The River Rose- Gilbert Morris


First of all, let me say that for Christian Fiction you can’t go wrong with Gilbert Morris. Ever.  He just has a way of bringing historical time periods to life.

Set in Memphis, Tennesse during the Gilded Age, The River Rose includes everything one would associate with the time period: river boats, crime, political scandal, racial and gender prejudice, and class distinction.

Jeanne Bettencourt and Clint Hardin are very distant relatives who know nothing of each other until they are both summoned to Attorney Nate Deshler’s office to be informed, together, that they are the heirs of the Helena Rose, a Mississippi River boat.  With their combined experience, she as the daughter of a river boat captain and he with mechanical experience, they decide to put aside their mistrust and live and work together on the boat.  The antics and scandal that follow their decision make for an entertaining story that will take you back to a slower, fascinating time in American history.


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